Have You Successfully Used Contena To Find Freelance Writing Jobs? If So, What Was Your Experience Like?

Have You Successfully Used Contena To Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

Freelance Writing Jobs: Because guess what? In 2016 the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) reported that there are more than 131,000 writers and writers in the U.S.

This is great because that means more people are writing as a career.

But with all those writers out there, it's important to be able to stand out and be the person the organizers and companies want to hire.

15 Tips for Helping Independent Writers Succeed

9 Do’s for freelance writers

1. Be an expert

This should be provided. However, once you get started, you may not realize that writing independently is a task because you haven’t done it yet. But even if you dip your toes in the pool, be careful not to overdo it, because you are applying to people who are doing this work very seriously.

Also, they will be experts in their interactions with potential employers. So, even if you are just starting out, be an expert on how to apply, follow, and complete tasks related to your private distribution.

2. Clean

This is important in any profession, and is actually related to technology: organized independent writers can be experts in their interactions.

We are less likely to miss the limits, be able to follow them properly, and not disturb our organizers and employers unnecessarily. It also saves us from stress when we are organized.

I always kick myself when I have to keep track of the details and or when my lack of organization slows me down.

3. Be respectful

Being modest in your dealings with others goes a long way.

Remember that the person who hired you (or maybe hired you), has a lot of responsibilities. They may have managed several freelancers (or more), as well as their other Freelance Writing Jobs.

They don’t have time to be rude or annoying.

I know we want answers in our forums, and I know it can be frustrating when we can't hear anything.

However, we do not want to burn any bridges with our cooperation, and we need to remember that we can change. If the editor feels we are not respectful, they will continue to go to another author.

Have You Successfully Used Contena To Find Freelance Writing Jobs? If So, What Was Your Experience Like?

4. Remember your online presence

Do you have a Twitter account? Facebook page? Your potential employer can learn a lot about you by visiting those profiles.

Think they don’t care?

Not always, but some will.

And you do not want to lose your job because of your online presence. For example, if you insult your accounts, the backup ID may not employ you (even if your continuation of clips shows you wrote the same content in the past).

Keep your personal profiles closed and make sure your professional accounts are not misused.

5. Be clear when needed

Here's the thing: we don't always get explicit information from customers. Or, they give details that seem plausible, but once we start researching the assignment, there is little confusion.

For example, I was once hired to write a listicle of TED talks on a particular topic about experts in a particular field. However, when I started researching, I realized that there were TED lectures on this particular subject and only a few were experts in the field. It was impossible to find the number of TED speeches the editor wanted without some correction.

So, I reached out and clarified.

But I do my homework first and make sure I get in enough time to complete the assignment.

6. Continue with resumes/clips suitable for the position

If you are just starting out, your writing process may be empty and you will have a small selection of clips. Okay, but you might not get the job. However, as time goes on, and you have many options for what to share, be sure to inform the client of the new work you have done.

We know people who have been hired later when their clips are very much in line with the job listing.

7. Be willing to put yourself there

This is important. It is much easier to speak for yourself by applying for a job. After all, there are over 100,000 other writers out there.

But guess what?

Not all applicants for the same positions.

There are TONES of writing opportunities out there (Have you seen the listing in Contena recently?). Not to mention that you can join companies again, so you may be the only one "applying" for a job.

Do not let fear or uncertainty hold you back.

8. Show how you stand out

If you write for a while, you can stand out with beautiful bylines and the general function you can display. However, once you start, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.

However, don’t just focus on your writing skills. For example, I have a unique background and education that helps me stand out when applying for a job.

Last year, I got four regular Freelance Writing Jobs because of this angle that is different from mine, and in the first two weeks of 2018, I was hired for one more position because of my educational background.

(No, I'm not the only one doing this kind of work, but it seems that very few have the same professional background who are freelance writers.

So think about what makes you different. Maybe you have lived in another country and could write to companies that care for that demographic; maybe you work in tech- use that to your advantage and share that knowledge when you apply.

9. Post solid work

And, once you start, this can feel awkward if you haven't published much (or at all) yet.

Here's my advice: people want to see samples, and while other books will appear (WashPo, anyone?), You can also publish on forums like Medium and HuffPo. You can also find blogs to post and write for free.

This is a great way to have clips that you can post in the niche you are applying for. Also, if you go the way you do something Guest blogging (free), be sure to do your best if you are going to submit this for consideration when applying for freelance writing services.

When it comes to freelancing, these are some of the best tips for making money as a writer. However, we also have some ideas about what you do not want to do.


 6 Don’ts for independent writers

1. Be bored

Yes, sometimes we need to track, clarify, or ask questions. But don't be obnoxious.

A good rule of thumb is to wait a week before following the voice (and remember to be polite!); this would be a good rule for all your books. Of course, if the matter is urgent, you can follow up immediately, but try to anticipate things so that you do not do something more urgent than it needs to be.

Do you remember all those freelancers out there? Editors and employers may not continue to offer work to disturbing writers.

2. Cheating

Don't just do it. And make sure you understand what cheating is, especially in the era of digital writing.

3. The last moments of Miss

This seems obvious, but I hear of freelancers without a deadline. Don't just do it. Plan, do not procrastinate and get your work done on time.

In fact, I always try to do my job early because you never know what might happen: illness, a new project, or an opportunity for entertainment.

For me, the absence of end times is not an option. 

4. Ghost your editors

I’m on a Facebook group where the editors have talked about their writers just disappearing. The editors took the time to present the news, agreed to pay, and followed up on deadlines, and these writers simply disappeared.

I've heard this many times.

It scares me.

And I know that there are so many writers who want to respond with “I would never do that - give me this story !!”

And guess what?

Those editors will no longer hire those writers, they will probably share names with other editors, and they will find new writers to work with (because as we said, there are tons of us out there).

If something comes up in life, reach out and talk; don't let anyone.

5. Ignore the information provided

When assigned, by parameters (such as length, number of sources, tone, etc.) - follow that.

In the book.

Your employer will not be happy to find a piece (even if it is well written) that does not follow their guidelines.

Remember, if you are confused, or have thoughts about how a piece might be powerful, it may be worthwhile to arrive at the time of writing. However, do not change the assignment or ignore the information provided.

6. Donate

Independent writing is a time-consuming and tedious task, and it can be a slow process, but it can be done. Also, did we tell you that BLS says the median pay for 2016 was just over $ 61K for writers ?! That’s encouraging when you ask me.

Now you know you’re a freelance writer for people who want to hire. Take the following tips - follow these nine tips for independent writers and avoid the last six. Join groups of over 130,000 writers for the amazing work of being an independent writer.

P.S.- If you are still working on building your career skills, check out these amazing side-hustles for freelance writers.